Everything You Must Know About Dog Panting

If you have a dog, you might know that there is nothing much you can do about panting. All the dog’s pant, so if your little one does, there is absolutely nothing to worry about (unless that’s all that they do). Panting helps in circulating the air flow through the body. In humans, this happens through sweating, as dogs don’t sweat, so are they panting.

Why is my dog panting and restless?

The normal rate of breathing is about 35 – 40 pairs of inhalations and exhalations in a minute.  But, if your dog does this 10x more times in a minute, say 350 – 400 then it is panting. This is absolutely normal.

Now, panting is classified into 2 types: Normal and Abnormal.
Like mentioned above, normal panting is when your dog’s body is trying to circulate the airflow. Abnormal panting can occur due to various reasons and must be identified and treated as soon as possible. One of the deadly issues that your dog could be facing due to this abnormal panting is Asthma.

What is abnormal panting?

When your dog pants more than the current panting pattern then this is something that you must be considered. It happens at inappropriate times and sounds harsher, louder and raspier. Your dog will exert more than normal.

Dog panting causes

1. Anxiety

Most dogs pant when they are stressed. There could be a physical or emotional trauma that they are going through. Keeping your dog calm and stress-free is your primary responsibility as a dog owner. Yawning, whining, trembling, and food refusal is a few of the other symptoms of anxiety.

2. Pain

Pain and panting go hand in hand. Your dog could be panting after a long walk because his legs are aching. If your dog pants, the first thing that you need to check is if he has pain as well.

Also Read: Everything you want to know about your Canine Osteoarthritis

3. Heat or Temperature Change

Any change in the temperature could also cause excessive panting. This might even lead to heatstroke. Pugs, Lhasa Apso, Boston Terrier, English Bulldog, Boxer, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and French Bulldog are more susceptible to this.  

4. Heart Issues

There might be times when the heart doesn’t get enough oxygen that it requires. When something like that happens, dogs pant to increase the blood flow. Please do take sudden panting seriously if your dog has any history of heart problems or if he is overweight.

5. Anemia

Red blood cells carry oxygen to the other parts of the body. And, when this decreases, it causes Anemia. This can lead to a heart for lung failure. One of the immediate symptoms for this is panting.

Excessive panting in older dogs

Cushing’s disease is a hormonal imbalance which is common in older dogs. It is caused due to overproduction of a steroid called Cortisol by the adrenal glands. Abnormal Panting is the first symptom that you will notice. Successful treatment of Cushing’s disease resolves to pant. Consult your vet immediately and get this treated.

Dogs panting in Car (or) while Traveling

Dogs panting while traveling is pretty common. This could be due to multiple reasons – their first journey, not being comfortable, anxiety, etc. Here are a few things that you must do to make sure that your dog is comfortable while traveling.  

  • Make sure that they are comfortably seated.
  • Keep talking to them, and if possible make them sit next to you. They need to know that you are there to protect them.
  • Do not feed them just before the trip. This is similar to the same reason most humans avoid eating before traveling.
  • Stop as much as possible and take your dog outside to get fresh air.
  • Do not leave your pet alone inside the car.

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