7 things that you must carry while RVing

Packing is the most tedious thing to do while travelling. Double the trouble when you have to pack for your four legged pal as well. So, we at Waggle have come up with a complete checklist of the things that you must carry while RVing. But here are some basic things to carry.

7 Important Things To Carry

1.Pet Leash

This is because you will have to take them for walks based on their schedule because daily exercise routine cannot be disturbed. Besides that, unleashed pet can get into lonely roadways, get staked, jump on something/ someone who is incapable to handle your pet, have higher chances of eating something harmful stuff around and so on. Therefore it is important to keep your pet leashed after they are our furry babies!

2.Spill-Proof Bowl

It is mandatory that you dog drinks sufficient amount of water while travelling. Most of the time When pets drink water half they have the tendency to spill it around. That’s one major reason why you need to pack the spill proof water bowl, because the last thing that you’d want to do is wipping the spilled water when you are inside/outside your RV.

3. Cooling Mats

These are the must have mats for pets especially during summer.These cooling mats have a gel in it which maintains your pet’s body temperature and can be used as their bed while you are travelling.

4. Furminator

A Furminator grooms your pet by trimming the extra fur. This could be one in all grooming tools. Because you cannot carry the whole grooming kit of your pet besides shampoo and moisturizer. Furthermore, this reduces your efforts in cleaning your RV!

5. Pet Wipes

Who doesn’t want their pet to be comfortable, healthy and smell good while traveling? Then you need to get anti-bacterial wipes. These antibacterial wipes help keep your pets clean when the water supply is minimal.

6. Pet Food

Pack a sufficient amount of food and treats which are high in protein and fiber. Because protein helps to maintain/build the muscle. It provides the essential amino-acids which keep the immune system strong. And the high fiber in food relives constipation in pets, which the most seen problem while traveling. Additionally, highly nutritious food can be consumed in smaller quantities.

7. Pet Monitor

We reserved the best for the last in the checklist. More than anything you want your pet to be safe, don’t you? Get a Pet Monitor and fix it in your RV and start monitoring the environment temperature of your furry baby. Because extreme hot or cold temperatures are dangerous for your pets.


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