How to Decide Whether or Not to Bring Your Pet When Traveling by RV

It’s great to have the option of traveling with a pet, and traveling by RV makes a family road trip with your furry friend even more appealing. Both dogs and cats can make great travel companions, but before you decide to bring your pet with you when you hit the road, it’s important to determine whether or not travel suits your furry friend. Particularly, if your pet is new to your family or has never traveled before.

The way your pet acts in the car can be a good indication of what to expect when you hit the open road in an RV.  But keep in mind that your pet will be in the RV for an extended period of time versus a day trip to the park or a quick trip to the vet and back.

Because of the longevity of the trip, it’s especially important to consider how to keep your pet happy and comfortable inside and outside the vehicle. That includes an RV Remote temperature monitor for monitoring temperatures inside the RV, as well as making sure you will be able to keep your pet cool or warm enough while spending time outdoors.

In order to ensure a pleasant experience for both of you, start by considering these behaviors to determine whether or not to bring your pet when traveling by RV.

Excitement level 

If your pet gets excited when you mention going for a ride, and willingly jumps into your vehicle, that’s probably a good indication that he enjoys hitting the road. Remember, however, RVs are different than cars, so it’s a good idea to take a test run to see how your pet does before hitting the road for an extended period.

Anxiety level

If your pet seems overly anxious — panting, crying, or trying to crawl into your lap or under a seat when the vehicle is in motion — then she is most likely agitated by the motion of the vehicle and/or the noises of the road. In this case, you should consider that your pet may be more content at home while you’re out on your adventure. You must also pay attention to your pet’s behavior outside of the vehicle in order to determine her comfort level. Is he eager to explore when you reach your destination? Or does she stay close to her crate/carrier, or hide under a bed or other objects?

If she isn’t exhibiting any of these behaviors and seems content to look out a window, or even settle in for a nap, then she’s most likely at ease on the road.

Pets will follow your cues

Just as they do at home, your pet will pick up on your mood and behaviors when you’re traveling. If you’re stressed, they’ll be stressed, and if you’re relaxed they’ll feel calmer and more readily adapt to new and changing environments.

If you’re tuned into your pet’s behavior it will be very easy to tell whether or not she is enjoying your RV adventure. Be aware of body language, such as a dog with his tail between his legs, or a cat whose body seems tenser or whose ears twitch at every sound she hears. These are all signs that your pet is stressed out.

Overall, if your pet is content traveling with you, her behavior should be very much like it would be at home. And remember, it’s also important to give them the same amount of love and attention as you would at home. If these things all check out, then you should feel confident that your pet is happy to accompany you on the road.  As stated before, If you are traveling by RV with your dog, an RV remote temperature monitor is a must-have to get peace of mind.


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