Everything you want to know about your Canine Osteoarthritis

Dogs often suffer from many medical conditions, and Osteoarthritis is one of them. This is common in older dogs and larger breeds. The experts have not yet found a cure for this medical problem; however, getting the right treatment early can limit its progression.

Before getting into the details of this condition, it is first important to know what exactly is Osteoarthritis?

What is Osteoarthritis?

The inflammation of the joints in a canine occurs because the cartilage deteriorates. When the joints are healthy, the cartilages act as a cushion that helps in smooth movement of the joints, but when these cartilages deteriorate, it can become difficult to move the joints. This happens sometimes due to age, disease, or injury. This can occur at any joint in the entire body.

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This is common in dogs that have obesity, or due to lack of certain nutrients, or dogs with infections such as Lyme which affects the joints of the dogs, or due to repetitive injury in the joints.

How to take care of dogs with Osteoarthritis?

If your dog is diagnosed with this medical condition, then it is important to keep the following things in mind:

1.  Stay regular with check-ups. This is extremely important as it is through these tests and check-ups you will be able to update yourself regarding the status of this condition and what further steps you have to take in order to protect your canine friend.

2.  Maintain a healthy weight. Another important thing is to maintain a healthy weight. This is important because as mentioned above, this condition directly affects the joints of the dog and therefore, no pressure should be put on these joints.

3.  Lead an active lifestyle. This is important because only when the dog is active, can maintain a healthy weight and keep the joints moving. Even though the excessive movement is not advisable, there should be enough movement to keep the dog maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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How to identify Osteoarthritis in dogs?

During the initial stages, it can be difficult for anyone to tell if this condition is developing in the dog. This is primarily because dogs tend to hide their pain until it becomes severe. Therefore, when the dogs reach their middle age, regular check-ups are crucial for identifying underlying problems. Some of the symptoms you might want to look at are listed as below:

1. Stiffness
2.  Lethargy
3.  Weight gain
4.  Irritability
5.  Loss of muscle over the libs

If at all, you are able to spot any of these symptoms persist on your dog for a continuous period, then you must visit your veterinarian in order to rule out any matter of concern. This can be diagnosed through X-rays.

Final Thoughts

As mentioned earlier, there has not yet been any cure for this medical condition, however, its progression can be controlled if proper care is taken. The best way to keep your dog’s joints healthy is to give your dog the required supplements.


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