WATCH: 2 dogs rescued by Roswell PD from a hot car

A parked car is one of the most dangerous spots for your dog to be this summer.

To drive home just how scary the experience can be for canines, Georgia’s Roswell Police Department shared a video on Facebook from the recent rescue of two dogs.

On Sunday, a concerned citizen called 911 to report a small dog stuck in a parked car with no air conditioning outside a movie theater. A Roswell police officer responded to the call in 18 seconds and took a bodycam video of what followed when he arrived on the scene.

The footage shows one of the pets frantically barking at the officer as he approaches the vehicle to take a quick temperature reading. The thermometer shows it is over 167 degrees inside the car, even with the vehicle’s windows rolled down.

After opening the car, police find the second dog, who is cowering under the seat to avoid direct sunlight. Both of the animals are aggressive and disoriented after spending an hour in the baking car. Working carefully, police are able to remove both dogs from the car and bring them over to a nearby fire truck to cool off and hydrate. Unfortunately, one of dogs suffers a heat stroke seizure before it can fully cool down.

Eventually, the owner, who was paged on the overhead speaker in the theater, arrives to check on the dogs and admits she hasn’t been out to check on them.

The Rosewell Police Department posted the video, which has been shared over 10,000 times, to raise awareness about the danger of hot cars.

“Help us spread the word about the dangers of leaving pets inside of a hot vehicle. If you see an animal trapped inside of a hot car, call 9-1-1, so that a tragedy can be avoided,” the department wrote along with the video.

Source: and Roswell Police Departments

This article was originally written by


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