Winterize Your RV for Safe Travels with Your Pet


How to Winterize your RV?

Summer may be the ideal time for die-hard campers to explore the scenic getaways in their RVs with their friends, families, or beloved pooches. However, this does not mean that you hang up your camping gear for the winter and go into travel hibernation! Winters are just as wonderful as the warm season for RVing – albeit the few frosty fallouts, but nothing that cannot be managed without a proper plan. This blog will discuss how to winterize your RV, simplify winter travel, and some winter safety tips if you are traveling with pets. 

The perks of these tips are you can get started easily for next year and can avoid paying for an RV garage. Whether you got a fifth wheel, an RV, a big trailer, or anywhere in between, these tips will help you out in your winter hibernation.

How Much Does it Cost to Winterize an RV?

Well, winterizing your RV costs anywhere from $130 to $170 based on the winterizing package. Also, the cost varies from class and size of your RV. The costs can add up over the years if you think of de-winterizing your trailer in the spring or summer.

Winterize your RV – tips that you can’t ignore

Before any major developments, you must install insulations in your RV to make sure that your RV remains warm and is ready to face the harsh winter. This helps you to protect your RV engine as well as the interiors from damping. 

1. Clean Your RV

Nothing supersedes the importance of clean and hygienic living space. The same goes for your RV, especially during the winter. Dirt and grime attract bugs and rodents who often look for warm spaces to escape the cold. Remove food crumbs or any other residual substances that may attract them. Clean out the corners and disinfect all the surfaces and the toilet to eliminate the chance of festering. 

Remove all expired products from your cabinets, clean the space, and fill it with fresh stock. Wardrobes are one of the favorite hiding spaces for rodents; make sure you clean them out as well. You can also use your dog’s fleece collar to remove insects from small gaps. 

Fix all the leaks and faulty equipment to prevent molds that can lead to an unhealthy atmosphere in the RV.

Also Read: 5 Cool Ways to Customise your RV

2. Focus on the Engine

This is what runs your RV, and winter-proofing it is half battle won! RV engines need extra care to tackle the cold, and it helps to take a look at your batteries for any indication of damage. Take it to a mechanic to check the condition of the components and the charge your batteries might have. Ensure they are securely connected to the engine to ensure a smooth ride.

Also Read: 5 Best Engine Oils for Your RV

3. Do Not Forget the Plumbing

RV’s plumbing system often goes for a toss during winter and can be hazardous to those traveling, humans, and pets. The most important thing is to drain the water from the pipes. Cold temperature leads to water expanding and cracking your pipes. Drain the water out from your appliances and water lines and pump in the RV antifreeze to ensure your pipes remain protected throughout the winter. Please ensure that you drain your old water in RV-approved dumping stations.

Also Read: Anyone can do these RV repairs

4. Insulation and Upgradation

Is your RV warm enough to make it through the cold journey? Before taking it on snowy roads, it is important to check for insulation to check all the heating options off the list when you travel. Ensure that the windows and doors are sealed by weatherstripping them. 

Replace old or torn weather strips to keep the cold draft out of your RV. You can also use heavy drapes instead of light curtains to insulate the interiors of your RV. One can also take the necessary steps to protect the floor surfaces by laying out heavy carpets or rugs to keep the cold air from seeping in. Some may also install foam board flooring to achieve the same warmth.

Also Read: How to stop Catalytic Converter Theft like a Pro

5. Keep the Furnace Up-to-Date

Your RV furnace is responsible for delivering hot water and keeping some parts of the RV warm & toasty. Your furnace is what will help you and your RV brave the cold. Therefore, it is important that it is in good shape and is working properly. Clean the furnace and ducting, i.e., the vents should be clean. Remove every bit of dust and grime that may choke the furnace. When in doubt, have a technician look at it to ensure that your furnace will ensure safe traveling during the winter. 

The Winter Packing List

Now that you have winterized your RV, packing up the essentials is the other half of the battle. Here are a few things that are a must for RV traveling in winter.

1. Snow Shovel

You might face snow-laden streets and might have to pick up a shovel to clear the path for your RV to pass through. Ensure you have at least two snow shovels for the journey.

2. Tire Chains

Your RV tires may skid on the thin ice sheet or other slippery road conditions. Having tire chains can break the lack of friction and can make your journey multifold and safer. It is a safety tool and a mandatory requirement set by states. 

3. Flashlights

These are non-negotiable additions to the list, not only when traveling in winter but all year round in your RV. 

ALSO READ: Getting Veterinary Care While Traveling with Dogs

What if You Are Traveling With Your Pet?

An RV trip is a hundred times better with a fluff buddy! However, you must ensure they are prepped for the winter along with your RV. The best way to go about it is to track the temperature at your RV with Waggle Pet Monitor!

With a simple installation process, Waggle Pet Monitor helps pet parents track the RV/Car/Boat/Home temperature and sends notifications in real-time if the temperature drops or increases. You can now step outside in peace, leaving your pets in the safety of the RV and keeping track of their environment. 

Winterize your RV and make traveling in winter safe for your furball with Waggle Pet Temperature Monitor!


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