10 Dog Behavior Problems and How to Solve them


The first few weeks after bringing a new puppy home is typically an exciting time. The joy of having a new four-legged friend in your life can be overwhelming but also disquieting. Mostly, pet parents misunderstand common dog behaviors with aggression. 

Evolution and years of changes in the man-dog relationships have smoothed several edges regarding behavior issues, but some persist. 

Some of the most common dog behavior problems are separation anxiety, aggression, and hyperactivity, to name a few. Proper dog training behavior will help resolve this personality.     

Common Dog Behavior Problems to Keep an Eye Out For 

  1. Excessive Barking: Barking is a dog’s way of communicating, responding, and conveying emotions. It differs from each fido’s mood or situation. Excessive barking behavior is an unhealthy mode. Some reasons are greeting, territorial guarding, need for attention, alertness, loneliness or unhappiness, response to new animals, pain or sickness, fear, etc.

Pro tips: Identify what troubles your pooch. It takes time to bring your pup back to normal. With consistent help from behaviorists for dogs and their systematic training, you can help your pet overcome the root cause of their incessant barking.

Some of the ways that you can counter your dog’s barking are: 

  • Teach short and fun tricks to start and stop barking.
  • Repeat the commands often till your pupper gets it.
  • Toss them treat rewards in between every drill.
Also Read: Peanut butter dog Treats
  1. Jumping Up: Dogge’s natural etiquette is to bounce on his hooman or other familiar people. Fido hops to greet, to show his excitement, or ask to play with him. Sometimes it goes unwelcomed and creates panic among people. They take this as wild or aggressive dog behavior, though the fido didn’t mean to hurt them. Encouraging the dogs to bounce playfully may turn into unsafe or bolstered practice.

Pro tips: Dog parents can make their pooch understand that jumping up is not a good thing to do.

  • Ignore or turn away from your pupper when he jumps on you.  
  • Add him rewards like low-key praise and treats
  • Don’t be mad at your pet if he doesn’t obey. Instead, gently take their paws and put them down on the ground. Get down at their eye level and tell them softly not to do this while keeping a gentle hold on their paws. The soft yet firm persistence in your action will convey a message of order that they are bound to notice and remember. 
  1. Ruinous Chewing: Every pooch loves to explore and chew its stuff around, which adds fun to its day. However, their cool act becomes destructive dog behavior when they choose inappropriate objects. Puppies chew a lot in the teething stage. In others, chewing happens in excitement, boredom, hunger, stimulation, and separation anxiety.

Pro tips:  Find out what pulls your pet for destructive chewing behavior.

  • Seal the areas which have chords, wires, and valuable items.
  • Train them to know what is for them to chew and what is off-limits. For example, when a dog chews on a household item, replace it with a toy.
  1. Inappropriate elimination: Inappropriate urinating and defecating is the most frustrating dog behavior. It is a nuisance in public spaces and other people’s houses. Untimely elimination might be due to sickness, fear, anxiety, territorial marking, and submissiveness. In puppies, it’s hard to fix the issue. It is vital to get advice from a veterinarian to overcome pet health ailments. 

Pro tips: If you find your pup difficult to control, its discharges

  • Since this can be because of maladies or psychological issues, consult a dog behaviorist to understand the cause.
  • Train or retrain the housebreaking basics.
  • Choose dog diapers to avoid unnecessary troubles. However, ensuring that your pooch is comfortable wearing them is important. 
  • Don’t punish your pets for their lack of control over their bladder. Be gentle and tell them it’s okay. Animals, too, get embarrassed. 
  1. Chasing: It is a typical dog behavior, part of their predatory instincts. Many dogs enjoy chasing other small animals, vehicles, or moving things. Chasing in dogs is seen as severe and dangerous behavior rather than playful.

Pro Tips: Behaviorists for dogs provide ample solutions. Some of them are:

  • Hold your dog on the leash when you take him out.
  • Teach your pooch that moving things are not strange.
  • Command him with words like ‘Stay’ or ‘Easy’ when chasing attempts.
  • Reward them intermittently when they follow the commands.  
  1. Separation Anxiety: Pet parents who have been with their pets for a long time or adopted a new member during the pandemic are more likely to notice separation anxiety in their dogs. It is a behavioral problem where dogs get anxious and upset when left alone, or their owner is not in their vicinity or even preparing to leave. It spurs other dog behavior issues like destructive chewing, involuntary elimination, frequent licking, excessive barking, and aggression

Pro Tips:  Give engaging activities for your four-legged friend to beat up separation anxiety. 

  • Walk out softly without making love dramas.
  • Give them puzzle toys or stuffed chew toys for distraction.
  • Sound on your furry friend’s favorite songs or switch on the TV.
  1. Digging: It isn’t very pleasant when your floof digs and ruins your yard. Indoors, they are more likely to dig in the couch, bed, etc. Dogs dig in hot weather to lie down on cool earth. Pregnant pooches dig a lot because they love den-like space to feel secure. Other reasons are hunting (typical ancestral instinct), burying possessions, and when they’re bored or anxious

Pro tips:  Counter the relentless digging with a few tricks:

  • Determine the cause for your dog’s digging.
  • Give them more mental stimulation and physical activities.
  • Provide them a dog place in the yard to dig and play.
  • Train and play with your dog in the yard to make them understand that it’s a safe place. 
  1. Compulsive licking: Licking, a usual behavior in fidos to show their sign of love. They self-lick their furry body or body parts to clean and soothe when they feel bored and injured. Compulsive licking results in skin infection or allergies and causes pain. Licking on other objects like the floor, bed, furniture, toys, etc., is also a severe behavior problem. 

Pro Tips: Here are some ways that can help your dog get away from the habit.

  • Try determining whether your fido licks in a normal or excessive manner.
  • Consult your vet immediately and mention any life-altering event that your pet might have been through.
  • Behaviorists for dogs can give a hand. 
  1. Constant Biting: Though your pet is friendly, they are susceptible to biting, a habit which is frowned upon and, of course, feared. Dogs bite in fear, defensive acts, predatory sense, territorial protection, and illness. Constant biting is merely aggressive behavior, causing danger to the other pets, people, and themselves.  

Pro Tips: It’s the dog parents’ responsibility to control the pets. 

  • Encourage your pet to socialize with other pets and people.
  • Put your pet in dog behavior training.
  • Have your pet on a leash while taking it out.
  1. Mounting or Humping: The most embarrassing act a fido does is humping or mounting. It’s natural until your pet mounts on other animals or objects—dogs humps due to excitement, playfulness, hormonal growth, or urinary tract infections. 

Pro tips:  Understand that humping is not odd behavior. It is manageable through dog behavior training. 

  • Teach words like ‘No,’ ‘Stop’ when you catch your pet mounting.
  • Praise and give reward for obeying.
  • Get help from behaviorists for dogs.

Reasons Behind Your Dog’s Behavior Issues

Dog behavior issues are sometimes unnoticed or take a back seat. Dog body language differs according to its mood. It is essential to understand that their genetic instincts are hard to change but can be controlled in the meantime. Behavioral training for dogs helps for positive results to lead a successful pet life. Some of the reasons why dog behaviors become problematic:

  • Lack of socialization
  • Rare physical activities
  • Untreated health issues
  • Inconsistent pet raising
  • Less pet Training
  • Changes in food & environment
  • Adolescence 

How can WaggleCam Help You Monitor Your Dog’s Behavior?

Separation anxiety in dogs enfolds other behavior issues. Leaving your pet home alone is one of the very reasons behind it. To reduce pet parents’ tautness, Waggle Pet Camera comes with the exact solutions. 

It is a new-gen smart pet-friendly camera crafted with multi-features to keep your fido comfortable and safe. With WaggleCam, you can connect with your pet anytime from where you’re. Watch, talk, and toss treats to your fido and give no space for separation anxieties. 


  1. What are some of the common dog behaviors?

The behaviors of a dog are panting, barking, chewing, digging, jumping up, biting, licking, and chasing. Many dogs engage in biting, humping or mounting, mouthing playfully, and sometimes inappropriate elimination in ill health or anxiety. 

  1. What do the most common dog actions mean?

Most dogs have this innate ability to howl when they sense danger. Dogs may not cool themselves down like humans, and panting is their way of staying active and happy. Dogs often love to play and run in circles because it’s their favorite game. A wagging tail is a sign of enthusiasm and happiness. If your dog wags its tail often, you’re doing it right.

  1. How to understand my dog’s body language?

Dogs are masters of body language. They can communicate with us using a series of unique actions like Tail-waggling, raised hackles, posture (shifted forward or toward the ground, facial expression(Yawning, lip-licking, smiling, and eye contact (Hard or soft eyes). All these signals help them express what they want in ways that will never go unnoticed! 

  1. What are some tell-tale signs that your dog is having behavioral issues?

Your fido might be facing stress, health issues, separation anxiety, or fear if their common behaviors turn intense.  If you notice any signs here, he needs more attention than usual. So, please don’t give up on him!

5. Why do dogs hump?

Dogs hump or mount when they are excited. It is a sign of mental or emotional arousal, often directed to seeking the attention of others or its owner. Sometimes it can be a form of play especially if they had little or no socialization.

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